News & Events
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Summer brings visitors and residents together for a great season of fun. I will just hit some of the highlights here . Please use the Calendar of Events link above to view all the events in store for you if you decide to visit this summer: Since we live in Poipu, almost in […]
Beautiful Hawaiian Art Walk in Hanapepe

Every Friday night in a little town on the west side of Kauai called Hanapepe there is an art walk. Artists display their wares in the shops and on the streets. It is a really fun experience. Not long ago we took the tour of the shops. There are wonderful artists who work in different […]
About Hawaii’s Humpback Whales

II. A CLOSER LOOK AT HAWAII’S HUMPBACKS Humpback whales are very large animals. Adults typically range in size from 35 to 48 feet, and weigh in at about one ton per foot. Their scientific name is Megaptera noveangliae. This means “giant wings”, which refers to their large front flippers that can reach […]
The Origin of the word “Hawai’i”

The origin of the word: Hawai’i There is no direct translation for the word “Hawai’i” in Hawaiian or English. In searching for the origins of the word I came across some interesting information. The word can be broken down into 3 separate Hawaiian words: “HA”, “WAI” and “I”. The first word “HA” means to “breathe […]